Contact Us

Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail. If you wish, just leave us a message as well as a number and time at which it is convenient to contact you. Please complete our customized enquiry form. This gives us the relevant information to come back to you with some detailed travel proposals for your Golf in New Zealand vacation.

Phone: +64 21 292 6197
Address: 50 Golf Road, RD5 Warkworth, Auckland 0985, New Zealand


Customized Enquiry Form
Name *
Email *
Phone *
Arrival Date *
Departure Date *
Group Size
Tour of Interest

GOLF IN­­­­New ZealandThe koru is a spiral shape based on an unfurling fern frond. It is used widely in Maori art and carving and it symbolises new life and growth. We like to think each game of golf is a new beginning, a new experience that strengthens life and helps grow hope for a better tomorrow. In the midst of a hectic world, peace can be found in the slow walk to the 18th green. The koru tells our story.
